Question: Wait, does the High Score band also make arcade machines?
Answer: Yes! That’s the reason The High Score Inc. chose its name. Robbie established The High Score as a band back in the early 2000s
Question: Does The High Score still play music?
Answer: Yes! Robbie still plays and records music as The High Score. He also writes and plays frequently with Mic Harrison and The High Score (did you catch them at SXSW 2024?)
Question: Are you all the same High Score band I’ve seen on social media/Scandinavian metal band/band with a pot leaf logo?
Answer: Yes and no. The High Score has been an established band from Knoxville, TN, since the early 2000s with Robbie Trosper. He has three albums out as The High Score and seven albums out with Mic Harrison and The High Score. The Scandinavian band is a different band. We’re The High Score as in video games, not a jazz cigarette, so no pot leafs for us. We do have a Facebook page for music (linked here) , but all other social media is our arcade business or some other High Score (unless its Mic Harrison and The High Score, that’s still us).
Question: Is this how you get all the music for your arcade-building videos?
Answer: Yes! You can find all the songs we use in our videos via our Bandcamp page. You can also stream most songs on Spotify or Apple Music
Check out our Bandcamp page HERE.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thehighscoreband/